Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Boost After The Easter Holidays

We had a good boost in quotes yesterday on Momentum Coach Hire (MCH) following the quiet Easter break.

It sparked a thought in my brain about peak load problems in the coach hire  industry, we had the FA cup at the weekend and a lot of people struggled to get coaches from Liverpool to London.

We are now planning coaches for the Scottish Cup and the FA cup final and it highlights the need for customers to plan early, give themselves enough time to find a good coach company and secure the booking as early as possible with the coach operator.

When planning a coach trip always give yourself plenty of time.

Monday, 16 April 2012

New Momentum Coach Hire Blog

This is the new Momentum Coach Hire (MCH) blog designed for customers to help them when picking coach hire in the UK & Ireland.

Expect tips on planning coach hire, getting the right coach for your needs and making the most of your coach trip.